Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Cough Remedy

Bet that everyone had/having cough. If you haven't had it, you are gonna get it sooner or later.
What I can teach you guys is a home remedy of mine. Not founded my mum or ancestors, I read up some stuff in Google and decide to I give it a try.

Well, firstly gather these 2 simple ingredients, 500gm of grape and 2 spoonful of honey.
The quality doesn't really matter but if possible, keep the grapes organic. Seedless grapes will be much more convenient in this case.

Firstly, get a juice blender. One that is really good. Blend the grapes thoroughly with half a cup of water. Make sure the skins are well blend for appetizing purposes.

Next, add warm water to the 2 spoonful of honey. Half or 3rd quarter cup of water should do the job.

Lastly, mix the 2 liquids. Grape juice and honey.

The color varies with the grapes you used. This mixture should taste really great too!
I had bad coughs for weeks and drank this stuff. Well, in about 2 days time, my vocals are restored.

P/s :This stuff may not be working for everyone.
P/ss: You can replace grapes with blackcurrants.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas Catch

What have you guys thought of having for Christmas?
What we always know that Christmas is filled with joys, gifts, smiling faces and most importantly snow.
This magical festival always symbolize the reunion of family or the gathering of many.
Lets glance through what gifts we ought to be getting for your family, friends and beloved ones.
Check out http://www.redribbondays.com
Magnificent website for everyone.

This Christmas I will be spending time with ma family. Some cold places around Malaysia.
Someday, I hope to travel to places like this.

What I want the most for this Christmas is closure with my family and my loved ones. I really hope this magical festival brings me support, motivation to start my new semester next year. And I hope that, there will no longer be any obstacles for me and my love.
Take care sweetheart, u are my everything.

P/s : I wan you Santa and reindeers. I will be getting my socks ready.